Sunday 6 November 2016


Security is becoming a major issues for successful companies such as Samsung, Google, Apple etc because there is always a flaw when it comes to security giving hackers access to your confidential documents and data so basically everything on your smartphone or on your device is exposed by malicious malware that hackers have implanted in your device to gain instant access. So you should consider changing your passwords to your device and WiFi network and turn of anything that will give hackers access to your devices.  An example would be like on your router if you have anything like a feature enabled that anybody can just connect to like hackers and tamper with the settings turn it off or switch to a reliable network. Apple is the only company that I know about that has no security issues because they have encrypted the device to the extent that no one can access it apart from the user. So be careful when it comes to security or if you don't want your devices exposed buy an apple product because you know you can rely on them to keep your private information private.

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